I received some bad news the other day while working away in my little home away from home. My Landlord rings me up and says Jeremiah I SOLD THE BUILDING the sell will be final in 30 days!! I could see it coming but not this soon i figured maybe early next year. The catholic school behind my shop has quickly been buying up the whole neighborhood. My old house is now a soccer field and my little shop will soon be a parking lot for all the yuppy scum to park their S.U.V.'s and sports cars. I cant begin to tell you how bummed I am I have become so attached to my little shop and have so many fond memories inside this little building. 2 years flew by so fast october 1st 2009 we moved in now we move out cause the wrecking ball is coming in October 15. I have been searching high and low for a new shop in town and maybe out of state just not sure yet. I gotta lotta stuff to move and a short time to do it in. I hope to get up and running again in a couple months. Keep us in your prayers Love the Armentas
Sept 14, 2009 THE END

Sept 14, 2009 my little den THE END

Day 1 october 2009 the beginning me and POPS

the beginning 4 bare walls and an empty floor.