I had been dreaming up this bike for along time now. I have always wanted to have my own personal knucklehead to keep for myself and to pass onto my children but I have never been able to do it.. Until i found the perfect candidate patiently aging in an Arizona garage last April. Over the past few years I have been slowly collecting the bits to build my dream bike, first came the 1947 motor, frame and a bunch more little bits and she slowly began to take form. I regrettably sold my shovelhead last april when I bought it and had been bikeless since then, so I had been going crazy not being able to ride my own bike...
So two weeks ago when i fired her up for the first it was amazing to say the least I cant think of the proper words to say to express how it felt. Anyone who has poured their blood sweat and tears into something knows what I am rambling on about. But this time was even extra special for me cause i didn't build her alone my closest friends all had a part in her becoming what she is, my dream bike.... Thanks you all for making her come true. Love Jeremiah
The brothers who made it happen:
"Le Beef" - Sissy Bar, Exhaust Pipes, Fancy foot controls and tons more.
Kelly, Dougy, Courtney
"Haifley Bros" - Gas Tank, Frame repair, handlebars, seat pan, body work.
"Rigid Hips" - S&S L series carbs and loads of sweet ideas.
David the Danish Swede
"FUCKER"- Paint and master flame layerouter.
Tom Fugle
"EL Forastero" Custom leather seat and pee pad, Style master.
Skip Taylor
"El Forastero" Trans rebuild, cam cover, rocker boxes, Exhaust idea, living legend.
Jason Weber
"ATR"- footpegs.
Kim Boyle
"Boyle"- Amazingly beautiful air filters.
"East coast Machine" - Love Heart tranny filler cap.
Marcus, Knucklehead Heads, and cylinders, heart foot pegs so goood.
Brian, Ryan, Steven, Marc, Bob, Josh, Robert, Phil, Krash, Assembly repairs and loads more stuff.
1947 EL |
Dipped Love |
All u need is |
Dreams |
True love |