The good times to come. After about a month of being on the search for a new home for the shop, I finally found it. WOOOO HOOO! I had been going stir crazy these last couple months trying to figure out where we would plant our feet. As much as I wanted to leave Phoenix, it just wasn't the time to go yet. Family always comes first...
THe new shop is super rad and has way more space than I would ever need. I look forward to all the stuff to come and all the work i need to catch up on. Lots of good stuff in the pipeline - new love parts and some sweet cycles. I should be up and running in a couple weeks, after a little renovations.
The new shop is located just down the street from the old place @ 4532 N. 7th st. Feel free to stop by and say hello or if you need any parts for your scooter we have lots of that stuff too.
The LOVE 3 year anniversary is back on schedule too and is gonna be February 5, 2012. It's gonna be a real doozy this year so mark your calendars. More info to come soon.
Thanks everyone for all the love and support. The LOVE CLAN.