About 2 years ago my buddy robert found this cool old belt buckle here in phoenix. I took a couple pics of it a posted it up on the blog cause i thought it was so cool. It turns out this belt buckle has some real cool history behind it. Myra who is jeff old girlfriend contacted me and this is what she told me.
Hey Jeremiah, I'm writing in response to the Buckle I saw on internet. In 1974, my boyfriend, actor, stuntman, Jeff Ramsey owned that Harley...we used to ride it up and down Ventura Blvd, the Valley, in the 70's. He and a friend, John Lynxwyler, who changed his named to Link Wyler, had the famous western artist, Al Shelton carve the wax and it was poured in bronze at Wyler's foundry. I own one myself with the initial M carved on gas tank. I have some photos of myself sitting on the bike. Al Shelton carved many different buckles for the movies and tv series the producers would give to the cast....very few of the Harley buckle tho....hang on to it...MMK Sorry I am so late, a lot going on, but found these from Jeff Ramsey...he is still alive a well, will send some other photos...best, Myra...ps, Jeff in Spain at the bull fights, when he returns, will ask where this bike went...I know he didn't have in in "75 and these were taken in '74....
Myra & Jeff....Sherman Oaks, Ca...74
Thanks so much myra for the history. Love Jeremiah
those shots are so cool and the history of the belt buckle kicks ass!