Sunday, February 12, 2012

LOVE part 3 -- The ride Tortilla Flats and THE SHOW!!!

It has been 9 days since we took a sweet little ride out to Tortilla Flats for the pre-show ride. It feels just like yesterday, crazy how time flies when your having fun. I was sitting in the shop yesterday exactly a week after the show and it was as quite as a mouse, but all I had to do was close my eyes and it all comes back crystal clear.

This years show was indescribable for me it was just such a memorable time. Many long days and nights, some sober some not but we came out the other side just fine and finished the knucklehead in about a week flat. The first guest my sweet big brother LEBEEF showed up a week early to help build our sweet knucklehead he did all kinds of metal madness to the bike he is a true craftsman and i felt so honored having him here.
    A few days later Mr. Tom Fugle from the El Forastero M.C. showed up from Iowa with a bag full of his handmade goodies and a super sweet seat and pee pad he made for the knuckle thanks so much Tom I will treasure it till the end of time. About a week before everyone got here my rasta Brother Brian built a little loft in the back of the shop for everyone to chrash @ and a lot of people got comfy up there. He also made all of the handmade heart plauques for all the invited guests, and did the majority of all the woodwork in the shop. Brian is one of my closest brothers and has loads more talent in the art of woodworking than i will ever posses thank you so much brother for all of your help with everything much love..

 It was crazy coming into the shop every morning and being greeted by lebeef always making something out of metal and Tom working on his Leather Goodies, they are memories that will always be vivid in my mind. I am sorry If I ramble on about stuff just trying to express it so i can look back one day on it.

The whole show wouldn't of been possible without my family, they are my number one thing in this whole world.. My Wife Mona is the backbone of our little family, she is always happy and strong even through the most stressful of times. Watching 3 babies full time is the hardest job of all and I cant thank her enough for giving me our 3 children and being the best mama and wife I could ever ask for. TE AMO POR SIEMPRE Monita.. Thanks so Much to my MOM and POPS for busting out all The cooking and everything else. Also to Mona's Dad Jesus and mom Estella who made all the good Tamales and beans, and to my big sister DREA, my Aunt Goldie And sweet deborah for it all I love you guys all so much and for always being there for me.

Also Thanks so much to everyone else who came out to the show from near and far and rode your sweet motorcycles you all know who you are. If you got this far reading thxs and see you all next year Love jeremiah.

Here are a ton of super rad pics from friends Zach, Lee bender, Pretty Ricky and a few others thanks so much dudes for capturing the whole thing....
The Superstion mountains

44 strong
desert dreams

mr jensen



my pops I love you

ride time

brothers from other mothers

mr Donahue

jonas and paloma

mr bender

True Love


breakdown bus

mr Schmidt

wholly shit


por siempre

the man behind it all

kiyo, mr noisy , monkey , willy

schmidt and robbie

zombies and aliens

fashion killers

Smelly Kelly

johnie and maxi 8 months

brian and luigi


sebass and david

marcus i miss u


maxi and skip

skippy and joshua

Hammer, Nate, Tom, Shakey

webbers and mr donahue


luigi, pretty rick, kim, cindy, JD ,MIKEY

jimmy, joe , marcus








black rainbows



jimmy and danny

jungle jim

the swedes

my sweet mama

blonde hair blue eyes

jonas and emily

sebass paloma jimmy annalei

good times

aunt jenny and the boys

party time

goldie drea mama roy

trouble makers



mucho bikes

mi corazon


  1. great pics guys! great show Jeremiah and crew. Thanks again :o) x

  2. For sure dude, you've got one of the best support teams out there. Thanks again for giving me a reason to leave my bubble brotha.

  3. I'm so jealous of everyone who was there. Much love in every pic.

  4. Great memories...
    Glad you had someone take pictures...I'm useless...

  5. Hey, those pics really capture the atmosphere! It looks really good! Shame we couldn't be there with you but glad to see it was great!
