Go to the PAArty it will be a good time, I will be at the shop all morning if anyone needs anything and might have a little lunch bbq around 12 see you soon..
Well it has been a long 20 somethin days but we finally almost finished up the NEW SHOP!!!! We made the move on oct 1 and have been working on it everyday we framed, painted,stripped welded and all kinds of other stuff and moved tons of junky old bikes and parts and we made it our own little shop.. Everyone chipped in mona angus jonas mom dad robert jim. It has been loads of work to make our little store front but it is ours. It's weird not being at home everyday seein mona and the boys but at least I am super close like only a 1 minute drive which is RAD!! ANyways so if you are cruisin down 7th st stop by a say hello the address is 4606 N. 7th st phoenix, az 85014. I will have all the little essential little stuff in stock for knuckles to ironheads. Love Jeremiah
Born Free is right!!! I had the most amazing weekend last weekend me and the family hopped in the family truckster a week ago today and headed for the land of California. Saturday was the show which was amazing to say the least WOW!!!! JOshua let me ride the knuckle, with family in tow in the nissan me and the chino boys had a nice little ride together it was so cool to se joshua enjoying his new machine he put so much love into,thanks mike harpoon and grant I was glad to see so many happy faces and to see people come from so far, My boys help up all day In the searing sun but thank god for hotdogs and tacos my little troopers made it through with a little more tan and a caffiene high. Sunday was the swap, The fam stayed at the hotel and I searched for a couple goodies Long beach is a rad swap everyonre should go to once in a while, After the swap We headed for carpinteria and got out of The city of LA and chilled on the beach, we packed it on up monday and headed up the coast for 2 more days to Pismo Beach i wish that could of lasted 4 ever My boys had the best time on the beach me and mona Loved every moment I never Want them to grow up just not yet I love them so much even though they dont let us sleep at night. The last day we even got to catch some fish on our way home in blythe Jonas's first bass he reeled it him all by himselfmy little man. All I can say is that last week was a beatiful end to the summer and the memories will be forever etched in my heart Love Jeremiah >
Love Cycles specializes in pre-1984 Harley-Davidson motorcycles. So if you need an old chopper or bobber worked on or built we have you covered.
We also offer complete Engine and Transmission rebuilds for 1936 to 1984 Harley Davidsons.
Also if you need any of old vintage parts or new parts we are dealers with V-twin, Custom Chrome, S&S cycle, Paughco, and many more you can contact me.
We BUY-SELL-TRADE anything motorcycle related.