All I can say about today is wooooow what an experience it was to jump out of a perfectly good plane. My good buddies, Jason, one of the top skydivers in the world works down at
skydive az as one of the head instructors anD Luxi George had been telling me to come on down to Eloy, for the past couple months, to go parachute with them. I had been putting it off and off because I am a big scaredy cat, every time i thought of jumping from a plane. Well, today it happened I loaded up the whole family early this mornin with our good friends zach and soph in tow along with their little boy riahs, I hopped on the faithful old shovel and hit the road towards eloy we got there with a few hiccups along the way like the primary belt deciding to jump off headin down I-10 but we made it safe and sound. I convinced mona and zach to jump with me mona , mona was a little scared at first but once we hoped in the plane she was ready. It was scary all i could think about was i cant believe WE ARE GONNA JUMP FROM THIS PERFECT PLANE what am i thinking.. As the little plane got to 13,000 feet everyone started jumpin out I was hooked to georges wife kim who is a top instructor at the school and mona and zach were right behind me as we left the plane. As we inched to the door there was no turning back It was a feeling i cant explain If u are scared of heights u gotta do it for sure. I dont think i breathed for the first 10 seconds until i realized just go with so i did and the rest was amazing the feeling of falling is just nuts u really get a feel for the world u are in. Jason and sandy were next to us the whole time shootin video and takin pics and flying around us the whole thing happens so fast u jump u fall real fast then the shoot opens and it is so peacful and quite all the way to the ground the adrenaline rush is like no other i have ever had. It was so cool once we landed i couldnt believe I did it and so did mona and zach our first jump all together it was a great thing to share with them. After we recovered from the jump and hugged the babies we went for a little swim then over to the wind tunnel were jason showed me how to properly fly it is super hard but he makes it look so easy.Thanks so much Jason, george, kim, sandy who shot the sweet photos and video, mona, zach sophie and the babies for being troppers and the skydive az crew for such a generous gift love 4 ever jeremiah
Kim and me 10000 feet and fallin

my blushin bride so brave

What are we doing???

George is a nut

Mona and her instuructor on our way up

Jason is like a bird in the sky this man can fly for real

Zachery thinkin twice

kim is also a nut

I am thinkin this aint happenin



aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah no way

like a bird

look at the view from 8000 feet

and then the shoot poooof

landin time so smooth

we are alive

Friends for life..
Dude, that brings a whole other meaning to 'knees in the breeze' :-D Good on you! :-)
ReplyDeleteWOOOOOW is right!!!! how very awesome and such an incrediable experience.... that is one brave momma.....
ReplyDeleteWas awesome having you guys here. Next time Luxi Andrea and Angel will have to do it.
ReplyDeleteand what about Mona's Rock'n Cycles T-shirt
ReplyDeleteso awesome!!! Skydiving must be so cool!!!
Great experience and photos. Looks really fun. I don't know if I could do it. I enjoy flying and the views but stepping out to air... More power to ya!
ReplyDeleteWe loved your video! Abby says her uncle and auntie are crazy!